1 year subscription. 2018 .DWG & .DGN Support. (New) Full 2D & 3D Tools (*). 3D Facet modeler (New) BIM attach ( *.rvt/*.rfa) (New) Raster image support. Attach point cloud .rcp/.rcs files (New) LISP, IRX/DRX, SDS. Realistic rendering. Advanced rendering add-on. Microsoft VBA 7.1 & .NET API. eTransmit Tool palettes (New) 64-Bit architecture. Multi-core support. Always MAINTAINED within subscription period. Run the software on all your Windows machines. Windows Vista, 7, 8.x and 10 compatible. Easy access through a desktop shortcut. Drawing file uploads are not required. 99.95%/year of assured up-time. No recurring billings.
(*) For 3D solids select the PE Plus edition. Best Price Guarantee.
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